Tha happy Fella time

  • 2024-08-29

Giảng viên

Môi trường xung quanh, môi trường chung quanh

Hoạt động

Không khí

Cơ sở vật chất trường học




因為學校裡面有警衛還有嚴格的管理跟時間的規範,他們甚至有所謂的Fella tome,提早10分鐘, 讓每個同學有守時跟守規矩的觀念. 

安排的語言課程也都是非常的緊湊跟充實, 老師會不厭其煩的跟你說明裡面的內容,也會糾正你的發音,團體課程也會注意到每個人的表現跟表達,非常貼心。






Before joining in Fella English school , I heard some friends mentioned that learning English in the Philippines is a very good way, so I chose such courses for my children a long time ago. 

Although I was a little worried about the public security in the Philippines before I came here, I actually felt that it was really worth it after I actually arrived! 

Because there are guards in the school and strict management and time regulations, they even have the so-called Fella time, 10 minutes in advance, so that every student has the concept of punctuality and discipline. 

The arranged language course is also very intense and fulfilling. The teacher will take care of  you to explain the contents and correct your pronunciation . 

In the group course , the teacher will also pay attention to everyone's performance, which is very thoughtful. 

You can also play some sports ball games . We played volleyball, swim, basketball and play badminton together. 

The dining aspect is also very good, which makes people feel at ease and full. When I have Middle Eastern classmates, they also specialize in Muslim meals! 

The school will arrange students courses according to their different levels. After the entrance examination on the first day, they probably know the level of each student. I feel incredible that their teachers can arrange classes quickly, even with 100 students and more than 30-50 teachers. This is a very good learning language environment to follow the experience! 

#englishfella #englishfella2 

